Psyc 205 Exam 3 On Flowvella

Psyc 205 Exam 3 On Flowvella


Focus on instincts Tinber gen s 4 questions of ethology: What is the function of the behaviour (Purpose) How did the behaviour develop across ev olution how does it compare to the behaviour of closely related species How does behaviour change across lifespan of the animal How does animal use sensory motor abilities to respond to particular stimuli - Fixed Action Pattern (F AP): stereotyped, instinctive behaviours that occur i n a rigid order and are triggered by a specific stimulus in the e xternal e nvironment.. Psyc 205 Exam 3 On Flowvella Full Version Unlock DocumentThe di fference is not in the trait, but how it is expressed (ex.

Only observable behaviour should be studied o 2 Psyc 205 Exam 3 On Flowvella Full Version Unlock DocumentBoth human and animal behaviour is modified by expe rience - Behaviourism: studies only observable behaviour, excluding inner cognitive processes - Radical Behaviourism: extreme position that mental states hav e no role in behavioural change Youre Reading a Preview Unlock to view full version Unlock document Only page 1 are available for preview.. Chimps requi red previous experience with toystools to be able to solv e the problems (previous experience with relevant aspects of the environme nt necessary) - Innate Behaviour: not the product of conditioning or learning - Ethology: scientific study of the causes of adaptive value of animal behaviou r.. Continuity Hypothesis: the idea that differe nces between humans and animals will be quantitative, not qualitativ e (Darwin).. Choi Park Homeworkmade 650 North Fulton Street Fresno, CA, 93728 United State governments Navigate.. Humans 23 - Darwin s 3 tenets can be explained by genetic mutations inhe ritance - Neuroethol ogy: study of h o w ner v ous s ystem controls natura l behaviour Youre Reading a Preview Unlock to view full version Unlock document Get OneClass Grade Premium access to all notes and study guides.

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Behaviour develops rapidly and remains in tact throughout the or ganism s life o T endency to attend to a mo ving, visual stimulus after birth - 2 causes of behaviour: o Ultimate: evolutiona ry, ser ves survivalreproductiv e purpose.. Fitness ability to su rvi v e and reproduce Natural Selection: process by which inherited traits become more or less prominent in a population due to di fferences in fitness - If physical similarities in behaviour, likely to be cognitive similarities - Adaptations (provide ev olutionary advantage), by-products (of adaptations), random eff ects (chance mutations, no evolutiona r y advantage) - Exaptation:: adaptations to one environmental problem that can be co-opted to solve another (ex - Species: can breed with each other - Speciation: animals of the same species get separated and possess characte ristics that previously had no survival or reproduction advantag e, but n o w do.. Once initiated, F APs conti nue to completion Ti nberg en believed that apparently innate beha viours (even F APs) could be modified by experience - Imprinting: type of learning in which exposure to specific stimuli or events, usually at a young age, alters behavioural traits of the animal.. Humans and apes both hav e capacity for thought but degree of thought is diff erent) - Anecdotal method of studying animal intelligence - Clever Hans Eff ect overcome by double blind procedure - Morgan s Canon: the act of attempti ng to rule out, or control for, simple explanation of behaviour prior to attributing higher order cognitive function to animals - Reinfor cement History: how frequently an animal is rewarded or punished f or its actions. Yamaha Ux256 Drivers For Mac

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The variations of nucleotides the gene allele - All cells have 2 sets of chromosomes.. More from OC239439 PSYC 205 Study Guide - Final Guide: Visual Cortex, Behavioral Ecology, Sensory System Exam Note PSYC 205 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Random Effects Model, Experimental Psychology, Umbilical Cord Textbook Note PSYC 205 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Habituation, Interferon, Disinhibition Exam Note Request Notes Classmates also unlocked PSYC 205 - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know (72 pages long) Study Guide PSYC 205 Study Guide - Final Guide: Visual Cortex, Behavioral Ecology, Sensory System Exam Note PSYC 205 - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 97 pages long Study Guide Study Guide PSYC 205 Chapter 1-12: ALL READINGS Textbook Note PSYC 205 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Random Effects Model, Experimental Psychology, Umbilical Cord Textbook Note PSYC 205 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Mirror Neuron, Flight Controller, Causal Structure Textbook Note PSYC 205 Chapter Notes - Chapter 11: Neurohormone, 18 Months, Emotional Contagion Textbook Note PSYC 205 Chapter Notes - Chapter 10: Equivalence Class, Superior Temporal Sulcus, Rank Textbook Note PSYC 205 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Ontogeny, Vocal Folds, Noam Chomsky Textbook Note PSYC 205 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Habituation, Interferon, Disinhibition Exam Note PSYC 205 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Umbilical Cord, Process Function, Exaptation Lecture Note PSYC 205 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Immunosuppression, Devaluation, Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Textbook Note PSYC 205 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Net Energy Gain, Nash Equilibrium, Matching Law Exam Note PSYC 205 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Trae Tha Truth, Classical Conditioning, Striatum Lecture Note PSYC 205 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Thalamus, Mate Choice, Aspet Lecture Note View All ( 2000 ) Report this document About Company Team Jobs Press Rewards Academic Integrity Resources Class Notes Textbook Notes Study Guides Homework Help Browse Canada United States Australia New Zealand Blog Schools Connect Sign up Log in Help Support FAQ Contact Subscribe Privacy Terms Notesolution Inc.. Unlock document - Methodological Behaviourism: research involving quanti fiable measures of behavioural output and tight control of e xtraneous variables - T olman animal beh aviour controlled b y compl ex inf ormation processing occurring inside the animal s head, not just simple stimulus-response associations - Insight Learning (Gestalt Theory- W olfgang Kohler): o Study with chimps and tools to solve problems.. Now, this group will continue to pass down this characte ristic and develop differentl y until it eventually becomes its o wn species. ae05505a44 Speed Up Origin Download Mac


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